Bungalow Castletown Cork Render

A client requested a fresh and modern look for their bungalow, it had spar dash and they wanted a change so they chose our innovative Thermocork render system.
This not only updated the look but also provided a thermal barrier around the property with huge benefits:
- It’s fully sustainable
- The product comes with a huge 25 year warranty
- It can save you up to 30% on your bills annually
- It’s Class B fire rated
- We can spray it over any existing render so there’s no need to hack anything away first. This reduces mess, extra cost and it’s maintenance free!
- It offers sound proofing up to 38db
- Also, we are the only product to include salt erosion damage within the warranty as standard.
If all of that isn’t enough, our product will eradicate all of your penetrating damp issues but still allow your property to breath.
Check out the before and after pictures
Contact us today to find our more or arrange for a free quote!